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First Steps at LBC

At Lombard Bible Church, we believe that you can't go with God and stay where you are...we should always be moving forward!


So please take a minute and consider what God is calling you to do next.


Your next step might be to simply learn more about Jesus and decide to follow Him.


Or maybe it’s time to make it a priority to come to a service every week to worship God in community with others.


Maybe your next step is to join a small group.

Or maybe it's finding a place to serve, or being baptized, or taking a class, or becoming more faithful in your giving.


Whatever your next step is, we encourage you to take it.

And remember that you're never alone...we are here to help you every step of the way!


Call the Church Office at 630 629 0307.


Our address is

111 S. Park Ave, Lombard, IL 60148



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